Friday, August 15, 2008

Night at the Davis County Fair

So on Wednesday some friends of ours Jake and Chuck invited me to go with them and their kids to the Davis County Fair with them. It was the opening night and Dustin was shooting Stevie's bridals, so I thought what the heck, he is having fun, and went with them. We met up with some other friends and we all headed to the fair.

We shot Jake and Chuck's wedding last May and since then we have become close friends. They are so freaking sweet! I love that they have included us in their family! I am going to be bummed when school starts for me and summer ends, because they have been so awesome to hang out with.

I am so excited that they just started a blog too!

The first place that we headed to when we got there was to the petting zoo, where Cameron saw the cows and started mooing! Then we proceeded to the food, then we headed over to some more animal areas where we saw this awesome hen/rooster/bird that looked like it had boots, it was awesome! After that we hit the rides, and the kids LOVED them, then the night ended with Fireworks.

What a fun night

Last week we went with Jake and Chuck to the Weber County Fair where the girls tried their hand at rock climbing


Kellee Smith said...

Oh how fun. 11 is rocken. Love it!

Amanda said...

Your kids are growing up way to fast! Which means mine are too :( Looks like you had an awesome time!

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