Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Oh how fast the kids grow up. Here are some photos from my iPhone

Again some more photo from my iPhone The last ones are, the first ones are ones that Dustin took a few years ago. When we 'offered' free makeup application. Madison's skill has gotten better with makeup, now it is all pink lipstick that doubles as eyeshadow

These are just a few pictures that I have had on my iPhone.


Misty Dawn Photography said...

OMG they are just too cute! Love the shots of Madison with the makeup! Too funny! and Cameron looks too cool in his shades! Kyleigh looks like a wiz on the monkey bars! What a beautiful family you have. :)

Kellee Smith said...

Oh how the kids grow up is right. I remember when Tiffany was pregnant with your little boy and look at him now!!! Wow. Your girls are so pretty! What a cute family!!!

It all began here said...

cute kids! they grow up fast, it wont be long before they are getting married.

love your work

Brooke said...

you really do have such cute kids. you little guys such a stud

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