Friday, August 15, 2008

ATB-Stars come out

Hey guys, I know you are all waiting for more posts and I promise, they are coming and they will blow you away. I have been shooting and can't wait to share what I've been up to. I thought while you guys were waiting, I would share with you one of my all time favorite songs. Stars come out by ATB. This song is so beautiful and is something that I love to blast very loud and just chill to. It relaxes me and I love listening to this when I have had a bad day. It's one of those rare songs that I can listen to over and over and over and never grow tired of. What do you guys listen to for relaxation or to cheer you up or just chill to? Please share.



the city of angels soundtrack is the best ever!


that's very soothing.

Dustin Izatt said...

Oh, I love the city of angels soundtrack, my two favorite tracks on that are If God Would Send His Angels by U2 and I Grieve by Peter Gabriel. Thanks for Sharing Audrey :)


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