Monday, August 25, 2008

New BLOG :) Update your bookmarks

The new and improved custom designed blog is complete :) Make sure to update your bookmarks to the new blog address.

New larger images, cleaner design, and rotating headers. Better searchability and filters by category. Go on and check it out and be sure to leave me a comment :)

The blog was designed by Rudy Arpia of Provisage, if you are in need of a custom blog, shoot Rudy and email and he will take care of you :) Thanks Rudy.


Haley Warner said...

I LOVE your new blog! Your pics look so good! Way to go..

Patricia said...

hello there!I am amazed by your beautiful pictures!!! i would love to go back a year ago and have you as my wedding photographer. So sad I didn´t find out about you before! It makes me want to travel all the way from Madrid, Spain to Utah with my wedding dress on and have you take pictures!!

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