Friday, September 14, 2007


Ok, so I am finally getting around to posting this. I have been tagged by about 5-6 other photographers which is a blog game going around where I am supposed to post 8 random facts about myself that no one really knows. So here it goes....

1. I am the biggest scaredy cat on the planet. I am afraid of grasshoppers, pray mantises, spiders, lightning, terrorists, strong wind, flying, sharks, and heights. One of my greatest fears ever though would be for one of my children to die before I do, I don't think I could ever get over it.

2. In the 4th grade, I shot myself with a gun... well it was a co2 powered b.b. gun and it was in my hand, but I had to go to the doctors to get the b.b. surgically removed.

3. I am very sensitive and cry on most disney movies, chick flicks, and even on some commercials. The first time my wife heard me cry was watching Rigoletto and to hide my crying, I would laugh so it sounded like I was laughing. I still laugh, but it doesn't fool her anymore.

4. One of my nicknames while me and my wife were dating was Big Bird because our church was having a halloween dance and my friend misinformed us that it was a dress up dance. So Tiffany and I went and rented a big bird costume for me and a cookie monster costume for her. Needless to say, we were the only ones dressed up at the dance, we felt like total idiots, lol. So I started calling her Cookie Monster and she called me Big Bird.

5. A lot of people don't know that I dropped out of high school in 10th grade. The only class I went to was Drivers Ed for my license. I did get my GED and applied that towards my Diploma and graduated a year later than I was supposed to, but I was glad I went back and finished.

6. I am addicted to Play-Doh. My favorite ice cream flavor is Play-Doh. I love the smell of Play-Doh. I keep a container of Play-Doh at my computer desk and when I feel stressed, I just give it a big whiff. Reminds me of days gone by and childhood memories and just takes the stress away.

7. In junior high, I was on the school Science Olympiad team and won gold medal two years in a row in the Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils category in which you were challenged on the identification of Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils. I have a mineral collection and still have a passion for them.

8. I have lived in Utah all of my life and have never been skiing or snowboarding.

So there it is. Now I tag whoever else hasn't been tagged and wants to participate :P


Anna Page Photography said...

#3, I laughed OUT LOUD! Seriously, I rarely ever laugh out loud when I just read something.

Tiffany said...

Stinkin' Funny!! All of it!! HAHAHA!!!!

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